The Ceremony of Making Merit since the 72nd Birthday Anniversary of the Most Ven. Phrabhavanaviriyakhun (Luang Phaw Dattajivo)
It Is Precious
I told my husband to get a divorce. After that, I started drinking, traveling the whole night, and having about 20 lovers because I wanted to sadden many guys.But finally, the nightmare that haunted me for a long time was over. I met an ideal husband.
Studying at DOU University is worthy
A student, who was a famous singer and graudated from DOU, unveiled about her impression and what she got from DOU.
Letter from Nong Thongthong
A little girl wrote a letter to Khunkru Maiyai that she wants to make merit by offering one baht gold with him. Let's see how lovely she is.
If donating blood gives us a lot of merits, will donating our body after we die to a hospital help us accrue even more merits?
Ordaining for One’s Parents Brings Merit
In this day and age of ever-present temptations and perpetual pressure to make a living, it is especially rare to find any family with a son who ordains as a Buddhist monk for at least the period of Buddhist Lent
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Having done good deeds in one's past (5)
The 38 Ways to Happiness The Second Group of Blessings Blessing Five :- Having done good deeds in one's past
Forced to Marry
Chinese only wanted sons and grandsons to carry on the family’s name. They stuffed ashes into daughters' mouth and left them to die. What kamma caused her mother’s sisters to be killed at birth like this? What merit saved her mom from being killed? What bad result will the murderer receive? DMC has the answers.
Aloha, Madam. Pele And The Cursed Stones
Hawaiians believe that Madame Pele cursed the people who took lava stones from the Big Island back home, but many tourists don’t know it, so they take them away and after that they will become seriously sick or face business problems.
You Are My Everything
At a silent night, when my father was drinking in that unfinished house, he suddenly cried in suffering and wriggled as if he was being harmed. When my mother met him, he was already dead. His whole body was bruised, and nobody could tell the cause of his death